Invoice File for ASO

The Invoice File for ASO (Administrative Services Only) is for use by health plan customers to generate invoices using Disbursement Hub for ASO. ASO Invoicing allows health plans to easily create invoices for ancillary fees such as ASO admin fees, stop loss policies, third party claims, and more.​ ASO invoicing offers benefits to health plans and employer groups by enabling self-service so they can easily create, view and download PDF invoice reports through InstaMed Online for real-time visibility.

File Name Standard: : [SouceInterchangeID-Invoices-FileReferenceID -MMDDYYYY.txt]
Note: Append Source Interchange ID to the customer name

File format: Pipe Delimited, Header and Trailer records required

Field NameFormatMinMaxRequiredComment
Header Record
Record IDAN88YRequired value: “IMINVH10”
File DateDT88YFormat: YYYYMMDD
File TimeTM66YFormat: HHmmSS
File IdentifierAN3232YFile ID from Disbursement Hub Invoice File header record
File NameAN1100YFilename
Overall StatusAN8100YInclude duplicate reason for rejection
Invoice Record Detail
Record IDAN88YRequired value: “IMINVI10”
Invoice File Record TypeAN1010N“IMINV10HDR”, “IMINV10INV”, “IMINV10LNE”, “IMINV10DTL”, “IMINV10BTR”
Invoice File Record IdentifierAN1130YInvoice ID, LineItem ID, Detail ID
StatusAN11YA: Accepted /
R: Rejected
Rejection Field NameAN150CWhen a record is rejected, include field that caused
Rejection Reason DescriptionAN1150CWhen a file is rejected, include additional free form message description
Trailer Record
Record IdAN88YRequired value: “IMINVT10”
File DateDT88YFormat: YYYYMMDD
Total Invoice CountN110YCount of invoice records
Total Invoice AmountN110YTotal Invoice Amount
Total Accepted Invoice CountN110YCount of accepted invoice records
Total Rejected Invoice CountN110YCount of rejected invoice records
StatusAN11YA: Accepted /
R: Rejected