Enhanced Statements

Billing through InstaMed is the preferred billing method with the simplest integration and the most features. Billing is initiated through a billing batch file submitted to InstaMed. 

Features and Benefits

  • Statement Design
    Benefit from InstaMed’s in-house statement design team
  • Print & Mail
    Let InstaMed handle delivery of your bills
  • eStatements 
    Consumers enrolled in eStatements receive an email to view a PDF statement online instead of receiving paper statement by mail
  • eStatement Adoption Program 
    We help you save on print & billing costs by encouraging eStatement sign-ups
  • Multiple Payment Options 
    Options to pay online, by phone or by mail
  • One Bill 
    We can consolidate bills from multiple departments into a single bill
  • Automated Payments 
    Users with a saved automatic payment method will be charged automatically and receive a notification

Patient Billing Batch File

Billing is initiated through a patient billing batch file via SFTP or FTPS. The batch file can be in your format or in the InstaMed delimited format. InstaMed does the work to integrate your billing file format.

Confirmation Response

After a batch has been received and processed, InstaMed sends out an email notification to a specified email address with one of three responses:

  • Success 
    All records processed successfully
  • Exception
    Specific records failed to process
  • Unable to Process
    File does not match the specified format, is corrupt or is a duplicate of an already processed file

Consumer eStatement Notification

Consumers receive an email to the address on file. If the consumer is registered with InstaMed, we use the registered email address. 

Updated Consumer Addresses

InstaMed returns a Billing Address Exception File to update the source system for any changes from national change of address (NCOA).