IDF Import

Version 1.1 of the Patient demographics import interface supports the ability to import and maintain patient balance information.

Record ID: IMPAT11

Field #Field NameFormatMinMaxReq’dComment
1Record IDAN77YIMPAT11
2Patient Account NumberAN180CRequired if Patient Date of Birth is not entered
3Patient Last NameAN160Y
4Patient First NameAN125Y
5Patient Middle NameAN125O
6Patient PrefixAN110O
7Patient SuffixAN110O
8Patient Date Of BirthDT88CRequired if Patient Account Number is not entered
CCYYMMDD format req’d
9Patient GenderAN11O
10Patient Street 1AN130O
11Patient Street 2AN130O
12Patient CityAN130O
13Patient StateAN22O
14Patient Zip 1AN55O
15Patient Zip 2AN44O
16Patient Phone NumberNum1010OPhone number without punctuation
17Insurance RankAN11CP – Primary, S – Secondary, O- Other; required if other conditional insurance and subscriber fields are given.
18Insurance NameAN135CRequired if other conditional insurance and subscriber fields are given.
19Insurance ID QualifierAN12CRequired if other conditional insurance and subscriber fields are given.
20Insurance IDAN180CRequired if other conditional insurance and subscriber fields are given. Note: InstaMed Payers IDs are available in InstaMed Online under User Guide à InstaMed Payer List or using Payer List Search in EDI Enrollment.
21Insurance TypeAN22O
22Insurance Filing IndicatorAN22O
23Insurance Street 1AN130O
24Insurance Street 2AN130O
25Insurance CityAN130O
26Insurance StateAN22O
27Group IDAN280ORecommended – [DEFAULT] if no Group ID available.
28Insurance Zip 1AN55O
29Insurance Phone NumberNum1010OPhone number without punctuation
30Relationship To PatientAN22CRequired if other conditional insurance and subscriber fields are given.
31Policy NumberAN280CRequired if other conditional insurance and subscriber fields are given.
32Group NumberAN280OSubscriber Group Number.
33Subscriber Last NameAN135CRequired if other conditional insurance and subscriber fields are given.
34Subscriber First NameAN125CRequired if other conditional insurance and subscriber fields are given.
35Subscriber Middle NameAN125O
36Subscriber PrefixAN110O
37Subscriber SuffixAN110O
38Subscriber Street 1AN130O
39Subscriber Street 2AN130O
40Subscriber CityAN130O
41Subscriber StateAN22O
42Subscriber Zip 1AN55O
43Subscriber Zip 2AN44O
44Subscriber Phone NumberNum1010OPhone number without punctuation.
45Active FlagAN11OSet to "N" in order to inactivate a patient.
46Patient Balance DueDec125O
47Patient Balance Due Effective DateDT135CRequired if Patient Balance Due populated.
48Medical Record NumberAN1100O
49Patient Email AddressEM150O
50Guarantor IDAN180O
51Guarantor First NameAN125O
52Guarantor Last NameAN180O
53Additional Field 61100OReserved for future use.
54Additional Field 71100OReserved for future use.
55Additional Field 81100OReserved for future use.
56Additional Field 91100OReserved for future use.
57Additional Field 101100OReserved for future use.
58Recipient First NameAN125O
59Recipient Middle NameAN125O
60Recipient Last NameAN180O
61Recipient Street 1AN130O
62Recipient Street 2AN130O
63Recipient CityAN130O
64Recipient StateAN22O
65Recipient Zip 1AN55O
66Recipient Zip 2AN44O
67Guarantor IDAN180O
68Guarantor First NameAN125O
69Guarantor Last NameAN180O
70Master Patient Account IDAN180O