Balance File Specification

When an automatic payment rule is set up, the Balance File is sent to InstaMed to trigger payment collection. InstaMed utilizes the Balance File and issues automatic payments for matched patients who enrolled in Automatic Payments.

File Name: PS_<ClientID>_<YYYYMMDD>_<UniqueID>SourceInterchangeID-SourceInterchangeQualifier-GroupID-<GUID>

Frequency: Processed as received.
Format: Pipe delimited with no header record.
Field #Field NameFormatMinMaxReq'dComment
2Patient IDAN280Y
3Patient FirstAN125O
4Patient MiddleAN125O
5Patient LastAN180OIf name cannot be parsed, include full name in this field
6Patient DOBDT135O
7Patient Phone NumberAN1010O
8Invoice NumberAN280O
9Amount DueDEC125Y
10Invoice DateDT135Y
11Client IDAN180Y Assigned by InstaMed
12Provider IDAN280O
13Provider NameAN280O
14Provider Street1 AddressAN1200O
15Provider Street2 AddressAN1200O
16Provider CityAN1100O
17Provider StateAN22O
18Provider ZipAN55O
19Dynamic Field 1AN1-1O
20Dynamic Field 2AN1-1O
21Dynamic Field 3AN1-1O
22Dynamic Field 4AN1-1O
23StatusAN11YS (summary only – no PDF provided)
24Status DescriptionAN130O (summary only – no PDF provided)
25PDF Start PageNUM130O Not used
26PDF End PageNUM130O Not used
27PDF File NameAN1-1ONot used
28Patient Email AddressAN1100N
29Recipient First NameAN125O
30Recipient Middle NameAN125O
31Recipient Last NameAN180O
32Recipient Street 1AN1-1O
33Recipient Street 2AN1-1O
34Recipient CityAN1-1O
35Recipient StateAN22O
36Recipient Zip 1AN55O
37Recipient Zip 2AN44O
38Guarantor IDAN180O
39Guarantor First NameAN125O
40Guarantor Last NameAN180O
41Master Patient Account IDAN180O
42Total ChargeDEC125O
44Payer PaidDEC125O
45Payer AdjustmentDEC125O
46Patient PaidDEC125O
47Previous BalanceDEC125O
48Statement Reference NumberAN3636O