Interchange Daily File

InstaMed is able to support a transaction level interchange cost report which includes all transactions and all associated assessment, network, and interchange fees.

InstaMed’s Interchange Daily File is generated at the transaction level.  InstaMed will only output one record per transaction and can support the delivery of zero byte files.

This Interchange Daily file is a batch file in a pipe-delimited format.
The file is uploaded daily by InstaMed via SFTP.

Field NumberField NameFormatMinMaxRequiredComments/Notes
1Record IDIMIRF1077Y
2Merchant IDAN1616Y
3Store IDAN44Y
4Terminal IDAN44Y
5Transaction IDAN3232Y
6Transaction DateAN88YYYYYMMDD, Available when transactions status is paid
7Payment Transaction ActionAN135Y
9Request Amount DEC112Y
10Effective AmountDEC112Y
11Authorization NumberAN16Y
12Market SegmentAN110YRetail, MOTO, ECOM
13Is SwipedAN11Y
14Card TypeAN120YVisa, MC, Discover
15Card BIN NumberAN66Y
16Last Four DigitsAN44Y
17Network Interchange CategoryAN120Y
18Interchange Rate PercentDEC112N
19Network Interchange Cost DEC112Y
20Interchange Per ItemDEC112N
21Interchange Receipt DateAN115YYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS