User Management

Bulk User Upload

Customers who require a bulk upload of users to their account can now take advantage of InstaMed’s new Bulk Import Users functionality. This new feature will provide a seamless upload experience and eliminate the need for manual intervention. See below for the spec details for the file required to initiate this process. Please reach out to InstaMed for next steps on using this functionality.

File Format: CSV file

FieldIs Required?Notes
User IDY
Display NameY
Home PageNIf blank, will default to "Patient Payment"
If invalid, will default to "Manage Users"
Primary GroupYIf blank will default to "DEFAULT"
If invalid, validation error will be thrown
Note: The Default group must be displayed as [Default] with the brackets
Role 1N
Role 2N
Role 3N
Role 4N
Role 5N
Role 6N
Role 7N
Role 8N
Role 9N
Role 10N